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Who Are We

Afjn_nigeria is a community of advocates which stresses issues of peacebuilding, human rights and social justice in Nigeria.

The Africa Faith and Justice Network - Nigeria is the Nigeria Chapter of www.afjn.org. AFJN-Nigeria consists of religious congregations working for positive change in Nigeria and in Africa.

The Africa Faith and Justice Network (AFJN) is a community of advocates for responsible U.S. relations with Africa. AFJN stresses issues of peace building, human rights and social justice that tie directly into Catholic social teaching. AFJN works closely with Catholic missionary congregations and numerous Africa-focused coalitions of all persuasions to advocate for U.S. economic and political policies that will benefit Africa’s poor majority, facilitate an end to armed conflict, establish equitable trade and investment with Africa and promote sustainable development. AFJN works primarily with the executive and legislative branches of the U.S. government to advance our message of social justice, though we are also registered as a UN-DPI organization at the United Nations.

As a 501(c)3 organization, AFJN relies on individual and organizational membership, grants and donations from supporters for our operations and programs. Many of our organizational members are Catholic missionary communities in the U.S. and Africa. We are an extension of missionary witness in the difficult yet important arena of US political decisions that affect African people.


Designed by Gabriel OP
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